Whether it is labor and delivery, grieving over the loss of a loved-one or a broken bone. There is comfort in knowing we are not alone. The point at which we think we can handle no more is the second before we receive all we need. This is true of bringing babies into the world and it is true according to all my experience and the experiences I've heard from others. It is that moment when we stop struggling that the light flows in. Is it that the light suddenly appeared, or that we finally opened our eyes to see it? No matter the process, most can agree that the light DOES come in and whether we are delivered from the pain or strengthened to bear it we are given what we need. In my younger years of parenting the pain was the stress of trying to meet so many needs at one time. (I had five 6 and under.) There were days I felt abandoned and forsaken by God, and I would take this anger and frustration to Him. He never condemned me, he simply wrapped me in His love and seemed to understand. His love would melt away the frustration and it meant EVERYTHING to know He was there and I was never alone. My husband was deployed for much of these years, so God was my "spouse" in a way. He is ALWAYS my children's father (the father of their spirits), and He is always mine. When God, with His infinite love, comes to us in our finite need the pain and despair are dissolved and we are left with greater strength than we thought we could have and somehow keep walking into another day. Pain is a beautiful thing in hindsight, because in hind sight we see God in it.
Liz King Bradley